「飞盘狗」「王耿豪」“You should’ve been a lawyer.” “I should have been a great many things.” 喜歡衣著和風景Jo讓我想到傲慢與偏見的二女兒Lorry到底愛誰啊明明前面帶大女兒去舞會接著又跟二女兒求婚後來卻娶了小女兒...原來是這些演員年輕的時候難怪各個覺得面熟燒掉手稿這種事根本不可原諒如果我有這種妹妹(或身邊有這種人)我也不會原諒
I know it’s incredible that this came out in the 80s but throughout the entire runtime I just feel my identity as a female audience is rape/d with no desire at all while being sculpted into the seat. This is just a 任性的 gay kinky dream and as they break through their own binary boundaries they gave zero shit to all others. 既然都这么任性我站女性我不是合适的受众